
From a distance I see them I feel their pain and anguish I want to help them But my knee is bound to the ground because of sorrows Humans Up above the cloud I wish I could help but my wings are bound I want to fly but they are cling together by this wood I can't free myself to save them All I can do is wonder from a distance Humans They call on me each day for help They shout my name from the mountain top I heard them say , where is the Angel that saves? , Where is the Angel that deliver? Where is the Angel that flaps her wings like that of a mighty eagle? Where is the Angel that is as bright as the stars? Humans Now I am stuck on the clouds Waiting for right time to be free To be free from this bondage To be able to fly once again I am broken , but I have one last hope Time

Praises to God

Oh God , Oh my God Where can I find your humility? You love keeps me warm And your breast gives me comfort I lay peacefully in your arms and I am not shaken Your soft voice and your calm word keeps my soul at peace Where can I find a God so powerful and great? Where can I find a God that answereth by fire ? Where can I find a God that sees all? Where can I find a God that holds the cosmic as his own? Where can I find a God so powerful and exhorted above all? You give me sweet sleep in the evening and in the morning your love is renewed towards me, I would Like to sing with psalms and praise you in every language I know You have earned names of yourself Not just any name , but names and attributes that was given because of your mighty works, You've given man the abilities of God You've made man gods of the land You saw all and you said it was good YHVH , reign forever Reign for ever and ever Let the inhabitants of the earth praise the name of the Lord The Lord great and mighty , the one who strikes our enemies with fear He has always been God of all , the I am that I am Power beyond measures , strength beyond measures, Love beyond measures , faithfulness beyond measures Humility beyond measures , mercy beyond measures , supremacy beyond measures, Brightness beyond measures , intelligence beyond measures , I am trying to write down the glories I've witness and heard of I asked that your spirit will fill my , so that I will be able to write into Depth of who you really are, Jehovah Jireh , JEHOVAH-M’KADDESH, JEHOVAH-ROPHE, Jehovah Shalom , JEHOVAH-NISSI, Adonai , Elshaddai ,Infinite God , Reign Forever and Ever.

Cry for the People

I type with tears Fear is crippling me My hands are shaking , auto correct can't get my words right . Just when I thought I have seen it all There I saw , the suffering of men People moving without direction , Their main motive is to last for the day They have no plan , no vision They just want to survive till the next sunrise. Men , women and children all in pain Solomon said it , now I know Under the sun is suffering Under the sun is pain Under the sun is Hunger And after all the suffering, it is all in vain You will die and leave it all That is absurd I thought Why should you suffer and end up with nothing ? Some claim there is an Invisible God A God that has prepared a perfect Eutopia The Eutopia is prepared for the End The End of all things , Yes the End so they say But wait , when did all this suffering begin ? Where did we come from ? How did we end up here ? On the third planet closer a star They say the greatest thing is to be born , I think the greatest crime is to be born just to suffer

Old age -Grandma

I see the pain that comes with it Skin that has wrinkles and flesh like the bark of a tree . Hair as grey as the ashes Nails as weak as lead in fire I can count the veins on her skin And all the capillaries scattered on the surface The teeth has lost it glory and her smile has lost it comfort The fire in her eye is dying Her body weight is as light as graphene She has lost her friendship with gravity The flesh has given way for the bones to be counted Her ribs are as visible as the moon at night Her joints are weak and her bones have failed , the sound of her bones is like a hymn to Death There is no hair to sing praises on her skin ,for they have all fallen into slumber Casting her mind back to 1882 when her innocent body came out of her mother womb Coming back to 2021 as if she just time traveled, There she is lying down on the mat immobile She has live through some part of civilization She has seen kings overthrown, she hasn't live through history , she is history Pain is an old friend that visit her regularly When she lost her first child , her husband , her three daughters , her grandsons and granddaughter Her eyes have no tears to spare Sahara Desert is inferior to the dryness on her lips Now all she is left with is the memories she had , replaying on her eyes until the collector of souls come Death , the one that ends it all

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